When it comes to the world of business insurance, understanding the fine print is crucial. One such term that often leaves business owners scratching their heads is "Employers Liability Exclusion".
Insurer’s Duty of Good Faith & Fair Dealing
When you enter into an insurance contract, it's more than just a business transaction; it's a promise. A promise that when disaster strikes, you won't be left in the lurch. That's why the principle of good faith and fair dealing is at the heart of every insurance policy.
Insurance Companies Use of Surveillance to Deny a Disability Claim
Insurance are for-profit enterprises. As such, their first goal is to protect the bottom line—their profitability. If they have shareholders or investors, their goal is to keep the value of the company as high as possible. On top of this, it is estimated that fraud costs insurers billions of dollars a year. Given these realities, it is no shock that insurers may revert to many tactics to deny or rescind a claim made against a policy, even to the level of surveilling a policyholder with a disability claim.
“Act of God” Clause in Home Insurance Policies
A home is usually the largest investment any individual or family will make in their lifetimes in the United States. Buying a home involves several processes. For example, you will need a downpayment and qualify for a mortgage.
Common Reasons for a Life Insurance Claim Denial
We buy life insurance as a cushion for our loved ones should we pass away before our time and even for the day when we have reached our anticipated ripe old age. We assume and expect that the insurance provider will honor their commitment and make the agreed-upon payout when the claim is made. However, what happens if the claim is denied? Do insurance companies really have legitimate reasons to deny a life insurance policy claim?
What’s in Your Medical Records Can Affect Disability Claims
If you’ve been denied benefits from your Long-Term Disability (LTD) insurer either when you file your claim or after you've been receiving benefits, the insurer will try to cite reasons saying you are not disabled or are not disabled enough.
Recouping Defense Costs for Third-Party Claim Settlement
Businesses face liabilities on several different fronts depending on the nature of their business. If you operate a retail establishment, customers can injure themselves while shopping in your store, for instance, by slipping and falling.
Understanding Declaratory Judgments
The insurance industry heavily relies on contracts to set the ground rules for policy coverage and liability. Disputes related to a breach of contract can quickly become a serious concern. In such cases, reaching out to legal support may be the best way to clarify matters.
Cyber Liability Insurance: Does Our Business Need It?
Very few businesses these days can get by without an online presence or without the use of computers or even cloud-based services or social media. Because of this, if you are operating a business in or around Chandler, Arizona, or are in the process of launching one, it is essential to explore your cybersecurity and data breach insurance options. To discuss your particular enterprise’s exact needs, contact us at Arnett & Arnett, PC.
How to Claim Pension Benefits
In Arizona, employers are required to establish and make regular contributions to a pension plan on behalf of their employees. Upon retirement, the funds available in the pension plan may be available to the employee. However, there are specific rules addressing how and when to file a claim and the requirements for processing pension benefits in the Grand Canyon State.